About Plymouth Baptist Church

Our Values.
Lasting Relationships.
Somethings were never meant to be disposable…
Intentional Investment.
Doing things on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose…
Foundational Instruction.
Everyone builds on something…
Enduring Discipleship.
Time is your most precious thing…
Our Beliefs.
Plymouth Baptist Church is a local Southern Baptist Church, and we hold to the Baptist Faith and Message. Below, we have the basics of our beliefs, but to see a detailed listing our our beliefs, click here.
God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three personalities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God. Genesis 1:1, 26, 27; 3:22 – Psalm 90:2 – Matthew 28:19 – I Peter 1:2 – II Corinthians 13:14
Man is made in the spiritual image of God, to be like Him in character. He is the supreme object of God’s creation. Although man has tremendous potential for good, he is marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin.” This attitude separates man from God. Genesis 1:27 – Psalm 8:3-6 – Isaiah 53:6a – Romans 3:23 – Isaiah 59:1-2
Man was created to exist forever. He will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or in union with God, through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is eternal life. Heaven and Hell are places of eternal existence. John 3:16 – I John 2:25 & 5:11-13 – Romans 6:23 – Revelation 20:15
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven’s glory and will return again to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Matthew 1:22-23 – Isaiah 9:6 – John 1:1-5 & 14:10-30 – Hebrews 4:14-15 – I Corinthians 15:3-4 – Romans 1:3-4 – Acts 1:9-11 – I Timothy 6:14-15 – Titus 2:13
Salvation is a gift from God to man. Man can never make up for his sin by self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness can man be saved from sin’s penalty. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith. Romans 6:23 – Ephesians 2:8-9 – John 14:6 & 1:12 – Titus 3:5 – Galatians 3:26 – Romans 5:1
Eternal Security.
Because God gives man eternal life through Jesus Christ, the believer is secure in that salvation for eternity. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self-effort of the Christian. It is the grace and keeping power of God that gives this security. John 10:29 – II Timothy 1:12 – Hebrews 7:25 & 10:10-14 – I Peter 1:3-5
The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. The Christian seeks to live under His control daily. II Corinthians 3:17 – John 16:7-13 & 14:16-17 – Acts 1:8 – I Corinthians 2:12 & 3:16 – Ephesians 1:13 – Galatians 5:25 – Ephesians 5:18
The Bible.
The Bible is God’s Word to all men. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. Because it is inspired by God, it is truth without any mixture of error. II Timothy 3:16-17 – II Peter 1:20-21 – II Timothy 1:13 – Psalm 119:105,160 & 12:6 – Proverbs 30:5
Our Staff.
Clark Harless
Senior Pastor
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
I sensed God leading our family to serve Him here.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
AThe fellowship and cooperation in reaching people for Jesus Christ.
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
A: To appreciate the diversity of people and the unity in the Spirit.
Q:What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
A: I enjoy camping.
Doug Dieterly
Associate/Executive Pastor
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
Matthew 28:19-20 calls all of us as Christians to make disciples of all nations -- ie all peoples of all ethnic groups. This I have always done. But when I was about 45 years of age, God's Holy Spirit spoke to my Spirit telling me that when I was about 58/59 years of age, he would call me out of the practice of law and into full time pastoral ministry. By that time, he had confirmed that calling through multiple circumstances and again, by the "still small voice" of His Spirit. So in obedience I left the practice of law and entered into full time pastoral ministry at this church, where I had already served in multiple capacities for (at that time) approximately 33 years.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
Hands down, it is seeing people come to Jesus Christ in faith, receiving him as their Savior and following Him as their Lord, and then growing in their walk and relationship with Him through active discipleship.
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
The need to be flexible, as God's plans for my day rarely coincide with my plans. Therefore, I constantly need to adjust my life to Him.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
A fun fact is that for most of my adult life, I have been a big game hunter throughout various parts of North America and the World. I will also give you a second -- for several years, my wife Debbie and I were actively involved in ballroom dancing.
Debra Dieterly
Praise & Worship Team Leader
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
I have been singing from the time I could talk and especially loved singing gospel songs with my dad’s quartet. As an adult, I felt irresistibly drawn to worshiping the Lord in song, and did so at every opportunity. After ministering for 20 years as a registered nurse, I was given the opportunity to transition into leading the worship ministry at Plymouth Baptist Church. Leading others to worship the Living God is a high and holy calling, and our worship team is both humbled and grateful to be able to serve the Kingdom in this way.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
Second only to the privilege of worshiping the Lord is the tremendous joy of playing and singing with such a dedicated group of musicians, singers, and worship technicians. It’s a blast!
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
Leading worship is not a performance. It is a deep and personal connection to the only true God that comes with the invitation for others to come alongside you into His presence.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
I am the first of seven children, four by birth and three by adoptio
Danielle Egolf
Children’s Team Leader
Q: Why did you feel called to this specific ministry?
I have always had a passion working with children. When I saw the need for a Children’s Director I knew God was calling me to fill that role.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
I love teaching kids about Jesus. They absorb everything like a sponge and with joy and excitement. I wish we could all have as much enthusiasm for Jesus as little children do!
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
Our church is small, and sometimes we only have a few children. However, God has taught me that it doesn't matter if I am leading 3 or 30, they need Jesus just the same.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
I would rather speak to a room full of children than a room full of adults. I am not the best with public speaking, but for some reason speaking to kids is more comfortable. I find it easy to talk to them on their level.
Michelle Hamilton
Youth Team Leader
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
I feel it’s important to breathe the life of Jesus into the next generation! It’s tough being a young one in the world and they need us to take an interest in the things they go through and help them see Jesus as their answer.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
Teaching the Bible.
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
Young people really do want older ones to guide them.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
I really like Toby Mac music!
Tom Hinz
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
When I was saved at 30 and asked God how I could honor Him, He provided the deacon ministry as the way He wanted me to serve Him, while edifying the body of Christ.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
Being a blessing to our PBC family through various aspects of the deacon ministries, but particularly baptism, the Lord's Supper and visitation
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
Where God guides, He provides...and sustains
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
Big baseball fan! In fact, have been to all 30 MLB parks
Don Schultz
1. When the leadership asked me to serve as a deacon I prayed about it and felt God was calling me to serve the church in this ministry
2. I think my interaction with the church family by meeting with them and making visits
3. Some people really appreciate knowing that we care for them and love them as brothers and sisters in Christ through our visits and prayers
4. I have never been on social media and never will be!
Gene Rickenberg
Mike Hardy
Finance Team Leader
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
As a retired corporate lawyer, I wanted to lend my expertise to the Church’s financial affairs. Additionally, as a semi-retired musician, I wanted to lend my modest talents to the praise band to provide glory to my God.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
I love playing Sunday mornings with the praise band.
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
That it is the act of serving where you feel lead to serve that brings glory to God, rather than the measurable results of those actions. Often, God is on a different time frame than I expected.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
That back in the 70’s, I played bass with the Coasters in Hawaii.
Raechelle Harless
Administrative Assistant/Clerk
Q: Why did you feel called to specific ministry?
To be a help to the church leadership.
Q: What is your favorite part about this ministry?
Being able to fulfill a need within the church body.
Q: What is the main thing that you learned from serving/leading in this ministry?
Everyone is an important member of the body of Christ. We all can contribute to help the church function as It should.
Q: What is one fun fact about yourself or something you want others to know?
When I was working for Lifeway many years ago I had the opportunity to meet several Christian artists like, Casting Crowns, Sanctus Real, & Mercy Me. Also as a teenager I sang with Sandi Patti at an all city choir event. She lived in my hometown of Anderson, Indiana at that time.
Our History.
The church now called Plymouth Baptist Church began with as a Bible study on Dec 9, 1971 with charter members being the families of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Castleman of Argos and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parrish of Plymouth.
On April 7, 1973, the group became known as the Argos-Plymouth Baptist Fellowship; and on Apr 27, 1971 called Rev. Ronald L. Ulrey to be its first pastor. Thereafter the church became known as Marshall Baptist Church with twelve people present at the church’s first full-program Sunday that month.
The church voted on February 24, 1974, to purchase the 3-1/4 acres of property on which it is presently located (9A Road and US 31) from Amoco Oil Company. The original asking price was $50,000, but in a miraculous answer to prayer the Lord provided it for $10,000 after the location of the US 30 and US 31 interchange was moved about 1/4 mile north, rendering the site undesirable for a gas station. On March 28, 1974, the church received its first member by profession of faith and baptism. A mobile chapel (trailer) that had been built for use in new church starts was moved onto the property on July 3, 1974.
Rev. Wendell Ryckman was called to the church on February 4, 1976, as its second pastor. He served until July, 1979. The church membership had grown to 57 members with 15 baptisms that year. In July 1980, Rev. Dennis Pollack was called as pastor, but he remained only about 3 months. In November 1980, Doug Dieterly, an attorney and licensed minister, was asked to serve as interim pastor. He served in the capacity until February 1982 when Rev. Ollie Trout was called as a bi-vocational pastor.
Rev. Mark Wolgamott was called as bi-vocational minister in 1984, serving until late 1989. During his tenure, the church name was changed to Plymouth Baptist Church. He oversaw the construction of the first building on site, which took about three years with all volunteer labor and included rebuilding the original framing that was blown down during a tornado.
On March 25, 1990, Rev. Leon Hofer began his ministry as pastor of the church, but He retired for health reasons in April, 1997.
Rev. Douglas L. Jividen commenced his ministry as full-time, senior pastor on October 1997 through June 2012. It has sent its first full time Missionary family from the church to China. The church has purchased nearly thirty acres of adjoining property and has undergone three major building programs.
In August of 2012 Pastor Clark Harless, graduate of the Missionary Baptist Seminary and majoring in Biblical Languages and Theology, began preaching at PBC in view and in October 2012 Pastor Harless was voted in as Senior Pastor. The church continues to experience the blessing of God while serving in a variety of ministries.

Frequently Asked Questions.
Where are worship services held on campus?
Worship is held on Sunday in the Sanctuary at 10:30am.
Where do I park?
Parking is available in both the north parking lot and west parking lot. Handicap accessible parking is marked. Staff park in the spaces directly adjacent to the building on the west side.
Where do I enter the building?
The main entrance is on the north side of the building on the north parking lot.
What services does PBC offered for children and teens?
We offer 9:15am LIFE Groups for both kids and teens. During the 10:30am worship service, babies 0-2 yrs go to the nursery, and children aged 2 yrs - 4th grade start in the service but then are dismissed to their teachers and classes.
Is there security to protect the church and the children?
Yes, We have a security team in place that will help with get everyone to a safe location to protect our members. The security team is here to call the appropriate authorities. We have several strategies in place to help create a safe environment for all who attend.
What do I wear to service?
We are a casual dress church. Modesty is the Biblical standard that we want to demonstrate. We want those to attend to be comfortable and come as they are.
What are the elements of the worship service?
Our services follow a common pattern. We start of with a call to worship and sing a couple songs. Then we move into the sermon. After the sermon, we have a time dedicated to tithing and acts of giving, Then we will sing a couple more songs. We have recap on the service and end with announcements and prayer.
The church also follows the behaviors of the first churches that we see in scripture of participating with the church in prayer, singing, baptism, Lord’s supper, teaching, preaching, fellowship, and giving (Acts 2:42-47).
Will anything be expected of me during the services (i.e., fill out a connect card, stand up and introduce family, etc.)
All are welcomed at the PBC and we will not force anyone to do anything they are not comfortable to do. You may be asked to fill out a welcome card with the info you want to share. This card allows the church to reach out to you and show our appreciation and excitement for your presence at the PBC.
The PBC will not have ask you to stand in front of the congregation and introduce yourself.
Do I have to give any money when I visit?
No. There is not pressure to give financially when you are visiting the PBC.
If you choose to give, we will appreciate it. There is a portion of our Sunday morning service where we pass offering plates to collect the giving for our church family.
Is there a place to listen to your sermons?
Yes! You can listen to our sermons on Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify (see links below).
Is there a regular Sunday evening service?
The Sunday evening service is not regular! The PBC has been going through “The Chosen,
which has a discussion after the episode has ended! We are currently waiting for season 4 to come out, and when it does, we will start meeting again. We meet in the sanctuary at 6:00pm.
What happens when there is inclement and unpredicted weather?
In times of Inclement and unpredicted weather, we have an active alert system, storm shelter in the basement. All teachers, leaders, greeters, and ushers will help to guide those who attend to a safe location.
If the weather is unsafe to drive an announcement will be sent by email, and can be found on WSBT. This announcement will let everyone know that the church is closed. More updates on the service lesson will be posted on social media and the church’s kneemail.