Ministries of Plymouth Baptist
LIFE Groups.
LIFE Groups are one of the best ways to get involved at Plymouth Baptist Church. No matter your age or walk of life, there is a place for you to belong and find your friends for life. Spiritual growth and fellowship are a vital part of our LIFE Groups. After reading through these lists and you’re still not sure where to begin, we will be happy to help you find the right group for you. If you are a guest on any given Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, or Wednesday Night, we have volunteers at our welcome center that will happily show you the various growth groups are located in the building.
Our LIFE Groups are intentionally designed around our church’s mission of “Friends 4 L.I.F.E.” No matter what group you attend, we pray that you create a real connection to Jesus Christ and one another.
Sunday Morning LIFE Groups
All Sunday Morning LIFE Groups take place at 9:15am and will conclude in time for you to participate in the worship service.
Children & Youth LIFE Groups.
Nursery 0-2 Yrs
Room 103
2 Yrs-4th Grade
Children’s Room
5th-12 Grade (Plymouth Baptist Church Youth)
Youth Center
Adult LIFE Groups.
Friends 4 LIFE (All Adults)
Fellowship Hall
Sunday Night Life Groups
When new episode of the show, “The Chosen,” are released, we meet on Sunday Nights to watch the episode as discuss the meaning of the show and see where that episode is found in Scripture. We trust that this time helps the life of Jesus and the Bible come to life.
6:00pm in the Sanctuary
Wednesday Night LIFE Groups
Currently, we are only offering Wednesday Night Prayer Group. This is designed for adults but teens and children are welcome. We do not provide childcare at this time on Wednesday nights.
5:45pm in the Sanctuary